Tag Archives: byzantine
Elton In Turkey for a concert
Elton John will come to give a concert in Turkey to support the country according the news paper turk HaberTruk. Türkiye’nin ilk EXPO’su olan EXPO 2016 Antalya’da 9 Eylül Cuma günü konser verecek olan dünyaca ünlü şarkıcı Sir Elton John, mektup gönderdi. EXPO 2016 Antalya Ajansı’na gönderdiği mektupta, Türkiye’de yaşananların demokrasi ve özgürlük ortamını bozmaya […]
Travel to Istanbul
The rhythm of the ancient Byzantine capital We offer you to discover the thousand facets of this city ; its historical monuments, its magnificent Bosphorus and its night life for it considered as one of the most intense and fashionable city in Europe. In addition to hammam, restaurants and all the folklore, live the traditional […]